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Managing Moodle version documentation

We generate version-specific documentation and maintain this for each supported version of Moodle.

When a new version of Moodle is released, the documentation is 'forked'.

When a version of Moodle goes out of support, its developer documentation is archived.

Further information about this functionality is available in the Docusaurus documentation on the topic.

Creating a new version of the docs

Typically this task is performed by the Integration team using the following steps:

  1. Ensure that all pending appropriate merge requests have been merged

  2. Ensure that your local branch is up-to-date

  3. Run the docusaurus version command:

    yarn docusaurus docs:version [version]
  4. Commit the initial changes (Example from Moodle 4.4)

  5. Open versioned_docs/version-[version]/ in your editor

  6. Uncomment and update the link to the release notes for this version

  7. Open docs/ in your editor

  8. Clear the content of this file and update the version numbers

  9. Open nextVersion.js in your editor

  10. Update the values for nextVersion (and nextLTSVersion after the release of an LTS version)

  11. Commit these changes (Example from Moodle 4.4)

  12. Create a pull request (Example from Moodle 4.4)

Archiving a version of the docs

This procedure has not yet been completed and documentation will be created when we do so.